Aransas Artists for Nature — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


Aransas Artists for Nature

Aransas Artists for Nature is an exhibition of Aransas County artists whose differing styles display similar respect for the Coastal Bend environment.

A full color catalog will accompany the exhibition of over 30 artists which will be available along with the original works by the artists.

Diane Johnson, Carol Koutnik, Anita Diebel, and Nanci Barnes at the reception

Evelyn Atkinson
Lisa Baer
Kay Barnebey
Al Barnes
Nanci Barnes
Shirley H. Blackman
Herb Booth
Mimi Braniff
Charles "PoPo" Cosby
Angalee DeForest
Anita Diebel
Mary Frazier
Lorrie Harrington
Mary Hunter
Lera Harris
Pam Heidt
Charlotte Shannon-Hilton
Betty Irey
Joyce Kaminski
Carol Koutnik
Joan Lee
Lynn Lee
Mary Lou Lewis
Hal McCaskill
Donny Moore
Jesús Moroles
Genie Mysorski
Bonnie Lou Prouty
Clementina Rivera
Rebecca Bridges Rice
Joretta Robin
Lyn Ruff
Steve Russell
Betty Shamel
d.l. sites
Blake Taveapont
