Rising Eyes of Texas — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


Rising Eyes of Texas

Rising Eyes of Texas is about emerging collegiate student artists from across the state. Artists from DFW, Tyler, San Marcos, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Brownsville and more submitted works for this year's exhibition. Don't miss this exciting show of up and coming artists from all over Texas!

Kathy Armstrong, Curator at the Southwest School of Art & Craft in San Antonio, was present on March 8 to announce the winners.


  • 1st Prize ($500):  John Bradley, University of Texas at Tyler, mixed media

  • 2nd Prize ($300): Michelle Turner, Texas State Univesity, ceramics

  • 3rd Prize ($200):  Kristen Henton, University of Texas at Tyler, mixed media

Honorable Mention: 

  • Jose Angel Guajardo, University of Texas at Brownsville, mixed media

  • Morgan Ford, Texas Woman's University, photography/mixed media

Our annual show of local high school and middle school art students is part of the Art Center's Rising Eyes of Texas Exhibition. March is National Youth Art Month!

High School Winners:

  • 1st: Haley Van Zandt, Rockport-Fulton H.S.

  • 2nd: Cassie Peacock, Port Aransas H.S.

  • 3rd: Jordan Bowers, Ingleside High School

Honorable Mention:

  • John Martinez, Ingleside H.S.

  • Kaitlyn Van Zandt, Port Aransas H.S.

  • Laura Burke, Rockport-Fulton H.S

  • Anita Bransom, Rockport-Fulton H.S.

Rockport-Fulton Middle School Winners:

  • 1st: Steven Chase Hosea

  • 2nd: Gabrielle Butler 

  • 3rd: Blake Harrison

Honorable Mention: Devin Hartin, Zachary Gilkerson, Lyong Huynh
