2007 Rockport Merit Artists Exhibition — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


2007 Rockport Merit Artists Exhibition

This exhibition features the work of our six Merit Artists for 2007: Shirley Blackman, Sharon Forsythe, Bonnie Prouty, Anne Molkentin, Barry Brown, and Betty Irey.

The Merit Artists are chosen by jury and peer review from "Currents," the Rockport Center for the Arts annual members' exhibition held every December.

An opening reception will be held Saturday, August 11, 2007 from 5-7pm, with a preceding gallery talk by Donald and Peggy Pimpler, whose work will be up in the Garden Gallery.

The 2007 Merit Artist exhibition runs August 8 - September 15, 2007.
