Currents-2007 All-Member Exhibition — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


Currents-2007 All-Member Exhibition

RCA celebrates the theme of Architecture in Art... Artists from all backgrounds were invited to submit their renditions of man-made structures that existed or exist today in Aransas County. 

Jacqueline M. Pontello, formerly of Southwest Art magazine, selected winning entries in Painting, Photographic, and 3D/Non-Traditional Media categories. Pontello was managing editor of Southwest Art for 12 years, and continues to consult as a curator for exhibitions and editor for books of photography. She is currently a legal advocate for battered women and abused children in Houston.

David Murrah, Ph.D, trustee of the Aransas County Historical Society, gave a talk illuminating the importance of  preservation of Aransas County's Historical Structures. Murrah is an author and historian who is currently working on establishing a historical museum in Port Aransas. He is the former director of the Southwest Collection at Texas Tech University, and was Vice President of Southwest Museum Services in Houston. 

The Aransas County Historical Society has a special display up through Thanksgiving weekend that includes historic photographs of old Rockport and early Aransas County. ACHS has 2008 Calendars available for sale that feature some of the Society's photograph collection, and encourages membership and support for historic preservation.

IN THE GARDEN GALLERY: Member Artist Miniatures... don't miss the best in small artworks from our member artists!
